Atlas Copco Sf 4 Ff Manual
. Instruction bookAtlas Copco Stationary Air CompressorsInstruction bookSF1 - SF2 - SF4 Skid -Tank-mountedSF6 - SF8 TwinSF6 - SF8 - SF11 - SF15 MultiCopyright 2003, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v, Antwerp, Belgium.Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited. This applies inparticular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and drawings. Instruction bookThis instruction book describes how to handle the machines to ensure safe operation, optimumefficiency and long service life.Read this book before putting the machine into operation to ensure correct handling, operationand proper maintenance from the beginning. The maintenance schedule comprises measures forkeeping the machine in good condition.
Instruction book1 LEADING PARTICULARS. 51.1 General description. 51.1.1 Compressor variants. 51.1.2 Compressor elements (Fig. Instruction book7.16 SF6-15 Multi 145 psi 60 Hz 1).
408 REGULATOR FUNCTIONS FOR SF MULTI. 418.1 Menu-driven control programs. 418.1.1 Function of control programs.
Instruction book1 LEADING PARTICULARS1.1 General descriptionSF1 up to SF15 are stationary, oil-free compressors driven by an electric motor.1.1.1 Compressor variantsSF Skid (Fig. 1.2)The components of the compressor are housed in a bodywork with removable front/top panel. Thecompressor is mounted on a frame designed to allow easy installation at the required spot.SF Tank-mounted (Fig.
1.3)The components of the compressor are housed in a bodywork with removable front/top panel. Instruction book12Control panelAir outlet valve12Control panelAir outlet valveFig. 1.2 SF4 Skid1.
Atlas Copco Troubleshooting Manual
Instruction book12Fig. 1.4 SF Twin12345S3Elektronikon regulatorElectric cabinetAir outlet valveDryer (on Full-Feature)Compressor modulesEmergency stop buttonFig.
Instruction book123456S3Elektronikon regulatorElectric cabinetAir outlet valveDryer (on Full-Feature)Compressor modulesSafety valve (ASME)Emergency stop buttonFig. 1.6 SF15FF Multi1234567Fig.
Instruction book12345Air filterDrive motorCompressor elementCompressed air outletSafety valve (CE)Fig. 1.8 Details of a compressor module on SF Multi1.2 Air flowAir is drawn through the air filter into the compressor modules and is compressed. Compressed air isdischarged through the check valve and air cooler towards the air net.1.3 Cooling and condensate drain systems (Fig.
1.9)Each compressor element is cooled by a fan. The fan is mounted on the drive shaft of the compressorelement.
Instruction book1.4 Regulating system on SF Skid - Tank-mounted - TwinThe air net pressure is kept within limits by a pressure switch mounted in the cabinet below the controlpanel (Fig. The switch is connected to the air outlet and electrically connected in the circuit ofthe drive motor. The switch opens and closes its contacts at pre-set pressures.1234Pressure gaugeOn/off switchHourmeterAir pressure switch/circuit breakerFig. Instruction book1.5 Regulating system on SF MultiSF Multi are provided with an Elektronikon® regulator (Fig. 1.11) to control the compressor.The following is a short description of the main functions of the regulator. Consult section 8 for adetailed description of all functions.1.5.1 Controlling the compressorThe Elektronikon regulator keeps the net pressure within programmable limits by starting and stoppingthe compressor modules, depending on the air consumption.
Instruction bookFig. 1.11 Elektronikon regulator on SF Multi1.5.5 Control panel (Fig. Instruction book1.5.6 Display – keysCompressor Outlet7.0 barCompressor RunningMenuF1-F3F2↓Fig. 1.12 Typical example of a displayOperating condition of a compressor moduleThe symbols shown above key F3 indicate the operating condition of each control module, see also section8.1.
Instruction bookDesignationMenuMenuModifyProgramResetReturnFunctionStarting from the main screen, to have access to submenusStarting from a submenu, to return to a previous menuTo modify programmable settingsTo program modified settingsTo reset a timer or messageTo return to a previously shown option or menuSelecting a menuTo facilitate controlling the compressor, menu-driven programs are implemented in the electronic module. Instruction book1.6 Electric cabinet on SF MultiF1/8K11K21/24Q21/24T1/21X01X21X3/6FusesAuxiliary contactor, dryerContactorsCircuit breakersTransformersTerminal strip, mains supplyTerminal strip, dryerTerminal stripsFig. Instruction book1.7 Air dryer on SF Full-Feature (Fig. 1.15)Compressed air circuitWet compressed air enters heat exchanger (13) and is cooled by the outgoing, cold, dried air. Water in theincoming air starts to condense.
The air then flows through heat exchanger (11) where the refrigerantevaporates and withdraws heat from the air. More water in the air condenses. The cold air then flowsthrough condensate separator (3) where the condensate is separated from the air. Instruction book2 INSTALLATION2.1 Dimension drawings (Figs. 2.1 up to 2.5)(1)(2)(3)(5)(4)(6)(8)(7)9820 4000DFig. 2.1 Dimension drawing, SF 1-4 Skid(1)(2)(3)(5)(4)(6)(7)9820 4001DFig.
Instruction book(2)(2)(1)(1)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)9820 4002DFig. 2.3 Dimension drawing, SF 6-8 TwinText on Figs.2.1/2.3123 00Motor cooling air outletElement cooling outletCooling air inletCompressed air outlet567818Electrical supplyTypePressureMass, approx. Instruction book(1)(2)(3)(6)(4)(5)(7)(8)(9)(15)(10)(11)(8)(9)(12)(14)(13)9820 40DFig. Instruction book(1)(16)(2)(6)(4)(3)(5)(7)(8)(9)(15)(10)(11)(8)(9)(12)(13)Fig. Instruction bookText on Figs.
Instruction book2.2 Installation proposal (Fig. 2.6)(1)(2)(3)9820 39DFig. 2.6 Installation proposal, SF MultiText on Figs. Instruction book1Install the compressor on a level floor, in a cool but frost-free room which is well-ventilated.The air should be clean.2Position of compressed air outlet valve.3The maximum total pipe length can be calculated as follows:L(dP x d5 x P) / (450 x Qc1.85)LdPdPQc4/13pipe length in mmaximum allowable pressure drop (recommended 0.
Instruction book2.3 Electrical connectionsGeneralThe electrical installation must correspond to the local codes. The mains supply and earthing linesmust be of suitable size.
See section 7.1.The installation must be earthed and protected by fuses in each phase. An isolating switch must beinstalled near the compressor.
Make sure that this switch is open to isolate the compressor fromthe mains before carrying out any connection. Instruction book(16)(26)(25)-(13)O(17)(14)O(15)-(28)9820 3705D(27)SF MultiConnect the supply cable to terminals L1, L2 and L3 of terminal strip (1X0-Fig. 1.14), connect theneutral conductor to terminal (N) and the earthing conductor to the earthing bolt (1X3). Instruction bookA1F1/11K11K21/24M1/4M5M6PT20Q21/24S3TSHH20TT11TT12TT13TT14TT90T1/21X01X21X3/6Dryer (optional)FusesAuxiliary contactor, dryerContactorsMotorsFan motor, air coolerFan motor, bodyworkPressure sensor, air outletCircuit breakersEmergency stop buttonTemperature switch, air outlet protectionTemperature sensor, compressor element 1 (lowest element)Temperature sensor, compressor element 2Temperature sensor, compressor element 3Temperature sensor, compressor elemen. Instruction book2.4 PictographsFig. 2.9 shows examples of pictographs which may be used on the machine.12345678Automatic condensate drainManual condensate drainSwitch off voltage and depressurize compressor beforemaintenance or repairBefore connecting compressor electrically, consult Instructionbook for motor rotation directionTorques for steel (Fe) or brass (CuZn) boltsWarning, voltageConsult Instruction book before greasingWarning, hot hoseFig.
Instruction book3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSSafety precautionsThe operator must apply all relevant safety precautions, including those mentioned in this book.Outdoor/altitude operationIf the compressor is installed outdoors or if the air inlet temperature can be below 0 °C, precautionsmust be taken. In this case, and also if operating at high altitude, consult Atlas Copco.Before initial start-upFor SF Multi read section 8 to familiarize yourself with all regulator functions.3.1 Initial start-up1. Instruction book3.3 During operation3.3.1 Multi1. If the automatic operation LED (8-Fig.
1.11) is alight, the regulator is automatically controlling thecompressor modules (starting/stopping).2. Check the readings on display (2-Fig. In case of a warning or shut-down condition, seesection 8.3.3. Check that condensate is discharged automatically from outlet (2-Figs. 1.9) during running.Note: The dewpoint will deviate from nominal when the nominal conditions are exceeded. Instruction book4 MAINTENANCEBefore carrying out any maintenance or repair:1.
Stop the compressor, switch off the voltage and open the isolating switch.2. Close the air outlet valve (2-Figs.
1.2/1.4 or 3-Figs. 1.5/1.6) and open the manual drain valve: valve (1Fig. 1.9) on Multi or the valve underneath the air receiver, if provided.4.1 Compressor drive motorsThe motor bearings are greased for life.4. Instruction bookPeriodRunninghoursServicePlanSeesection3.4-Seenotesbelowtable-Daily'-Monthly2503-monthlyOperationDrain condensateOn SF Full-Feature, check dewpoint-5.11Inspect air filter500-Check pressure drop over Atlas Copco filters(optional)6-monthly'-5. Instruction book5 ADJUSTMENTS AND SERVICING PROCEDURES5.1 Air filter (1-Figs.
Stop the compressor. Remove the filter cover and filter.2.
Clean the cover, if necessary. Discard damaged filters.3. Fit a new filter and reinstall the cover.5.2 Belt exchange/tensioning (Fig. 5.1)In case of two belts, the belts must be replaced as a set, even if only one of them seems worn.Use Atlas Copco belts only. The part number of the belt set is mentioned in the Parts list. Instruction book5.4 Safety valveOperatingOperate the safety valve by unscrewing the knurled cap one or two turns. Retighten the cap.TestingThe valve can be tested on a separate compressed air line.
If the valve does not open at the pressuremarked on the valve, consult Atlas Copco.WarningNo adjustments are allowed. Never run the compressor without safety valve. Instruction book6 PROBLEM SOLVINGBefore carrying out any maintenance or repair:1.Stop the compressor, switch off the voltage and open the isolating switch.2.Close the air outlet valve (2-Figs. 1.2/1.4 or 3-Figs. 1.5/1.6) and open the manual drain valve: valve(1-Fig. 1.9) on Multi or the valve underneath the air receiver, if provided. Instruction book7 PRINCIPAL DATA7.1 Electric cable size for SF1-8FrequencyVoltageSF1singlephaseSF2singlephaseSF23-phaseSF43-phaseSF63-phaseSF83-phaseIEC50 Hz230 V2.5 mm²2.5 mm²2.5 mm²2.5 mm²50 Hz400 V2.5 mm²2.5 mm²60 Hz380 V2.5 mm²2.5 mm²50 Hz500 V2.5 mm²2.5 mm²2x 2.5mm²2x 2.5mm²2x 2.5mm²2x 2.5mm²2x 2.5mm²2x 2.5mm²2x 2.5mm²2x 2.
Instruction book7.3 Overload relays for SF1-8FrequencyVoltageSF1singlephaseSF2singlephaseSF23-phaseSF43-phaseSF63-phaseSF83-phaseIEC50 Hz50 Hz60 Hz50 Hz230 V400 V380 V500 V12 A14.5 A8.3 A4.8 A5.1 A3.8 A14 A8.2 A8.5 A6.5 A8.3 and 14 A4.8 and 8.2 A5.1 and 8.5 A3.8 and 6.5 A2x 14 A2x 8.2 A2x 8.5 A2x 6.5 ACSA/UL60 Hz60 Hz230 V440/460 V10.2 A14.7 A9.2 A4.6 A15.3 A7.7 A9.2 and 15.3 A4.6 and 7.7 A2x 15.3 A2x 7. Instruction book7.5 Main fuses for SF1-8FrequencyVoltageSF1singlephaseSF2singlephaseSF23-phaseSF43-phaseSF63-phaseSF83-phaseIEC50 Hz50 Hz60 Hz50 Hz230 V400 V380 V500 V20 A20 A20 A20 A20 A20 A20 A20 A20 A20 A2x 20 A2x 20 A2x 20 A2x 20 A2x 20 A2x 20 A2x 20 A2x 20 ACSA/UL60 Hz60 Hz230 V440/460 V25 A25 A20 A15 A30 A15 A20 A15 A2x 30 A2x 15 A7. Instruction book7.8 SF1-4 8bar 50 Hz 1)Compressor typeMaximum working pressureNominal working pressureAir temperature at outlet valve (Tankmounted/Twin), approx.Air temperature at outlet valve (Skid), approx.Motor shaft speedShaft inputSound pressure levelbar(e)bar(e)°CSF18 bar8730SF28 bar8732SF48 bar8740°Cr/minkWdB(A)385528853.468bar(e)bar(e)°C°Cr/minkWdB(A)SF210 bar852.167SF410 bar853. Instruction book7.12 SF6-15 Multi 8 bar 50 Hz 1)Compressor typebar(e)bar(e)bar(e)°C°Cr/minkWdB(A)SF68 bar28855.661SF88 bar28856.962SF118 bar288510.460SF158 bar288513.863°CR134a3R134a3R134a3R134a3bar(e)bar(e)bar(e)bar(e)°C°Cr/minkWdB(A)SF610 bar109.2528855.961SF810 bar109.2528857.562SF1110 bar109.25288511. Instruction book7.15 SF6-15 Multi 125 psi 60 Hz 1)Compressor typeMaximum working pressure for SF PackMaximum working pressure for SF Full-FeatureNominal working pressureAir temperature at outlet valve for SF Pack, approx.Air temperature at outlet valve for SF Full-Feature,approx.Motor shaft speedShaft input for SF PackShaft input for SF Full-FeatureSound pressure levelFor SF Full-Feature also:Refrigerant typePressure dewpoint, approx. 2)SF6125 psi9.18.858.62623SF8125 psi9.18.
Instruction book8 REGULATOR FUNCTIONS FOR SF MULTI8.1 Menu-driven control programsTo facilitate programming and controlling the compressor, menu-driven programs are implemented inthe electronic module.A simplified menu flow is shown in Fig. Instruction book8.1.1 Function of control programsProgram/FunctionDescriptionMain screenShows in short the operation status of the compressor. It is the gatewayto all functions.
8.2.Calling up the status of the compressor protection functions:shut-downservice warningwarningResetting of a shut-down and service condition. Instruction bookLineIndicatesRemarks1Sensor which is activeand the actual reading2-3Compressor status3Shut-down3Service required3Sensor error3Remote control44Functions of keysbelow displaySymbols:▄- (blinking). (blinking)The unit for pressure can be bar, psi or kg/cm2 depending on theprogrammed selection. The unit for temperature can be °C or °F.See section 8.12. Instruction book8.1.3 Calling up other menusStarting from the Main screen:-Use the ↓ key for a quick look at the actual compressor status (see section 8.2)Press the key 'Menu' (F1), the option 'Status data' will be followed by a horizontal arrow:- either press the tabulator key (5) to select this menu- or use the ↓ key to scroll until the desired submenu is followed by a horizontal arrow and thenpress the tabulator key (5) to select this menu8. Instruction book8.3 Status data menuThe status data submenu gives information regarding the status of the compressor protectionfunctions (shut-down, service warning and warning) and allows resetting of a shut-down and servicecondition.ProcedureStarting from the Main screen (see section 8.1.2):- Press the key 'Menu' (F1), the option 'Status data' will be followed by a horizontal arrow- Press the tabulator key (5)8.3. Instruction book2.
It remains possible to scroll through other menus, e.g. To check the values of other parameters.When returning to the Status data menu, the option 'Shutdowns' will blink. This option can beselected by pressing the tabulator key (5) to return to the shut-down screen (Fig. 8.6).Shut-down reset1.
Switch off the voltage, depressurize the compressor and remedy the trouble. After remedying,switch on the voltage and press the key 'Reset' (F3).2. Instruction book8.3.4 A service warning message exists1. LED (7) is alight and the main screen will change into a screen similar to that shown in Fig. 8.9.Compressor Outlet.MenuF17.0 barService Required.↓.F2-F3Fig. 8.9 Example of a service warning screen2.
The indicators (.) are blinking and the service warning message appears alternately with themessages indicating whether the compressor is in operation or not (Compressor Running orCompressor Off).3. Instruction book2. By pressing the ↓ key, a number of actually measured data can be found (see Fig. If one of the sensors is linked to a shut-down, service or warning function, both the actuallymeasured value as well as the corresponding shut-down, warning or service level can be called upby pressing the tabulator key (5).8. Instruction book8.7 Modify parameters menuFunctionThe menu allows the operator to program:- Parameters, see section 8.8.- Protections settings, see section 8.9.- Service plan settings, see section 8.10.- Clock function settings, see section 8.11.- Configuration settings, see section Modifying parametersFunctionTo modify a number of parameters as mentioned below and in Fig. Instruction book8.8.1 Modifying the pressure bandsIf desired, the operator can program two pressure bands (band 1 and band 2) with different pressuresettings.
The settings for band 1 are indicated as 'Pressure Band 1 High' and 'Pressure Band 1Low', the settings for band 2 are indicated as ' Pressure Band 2 High ' and ' Pressure Band 2 Low '.Example:For pressure band 1:- Pressure Band 1 Low:- Pressure Band 1 High:6.8 bar7. Instruction book8.9 Modifying protection settingsFunction1. To modify protection settings: warning ('Warning'), e.g. Dryer LAT (Low Ambient Temperature) onFull-Feature machines2. To check some compressor conditions, e.g. The status of the motor overload contacts percompressor module.
The list of parameters is shown in Fig. 8.1.NoteSome parameters cannot be modified.Procedure1. Starting from the Main screen (see section 8.1. Instruction book8.9.2 Modifying protections for Dryer LAT on Full-Feature machines1. Consult the section above to select the parameter Dryer LAT (Low Ambient Temperature):Dryer LATWarningBackF110 °CMaximumModifyF225 °C→↓F3Fig.
8.14 Modify parameters menu2. The screen shows that the Dryer LAT is 10 °C and that the shut-down setting is 25 °C. To modifythis setting, press the key 'Modify' (F2):Dryer LATWarningProgramF110 °CMaximumLimitsF225 °CCancelF3Fig. Instruction bookImportantAlways consult Atlas Copco in case any timer setting should be changed.
The intervals must notexceed the periods below and must coincide logically. Instruction book4. Press the tabulator key (5): a screen similar to the one below will appear:Service TimerLevelA5000 hrsMenuF1ModifyF2↓F3Fig. 8.17 Service plan menu5. The screen indicates that the level for Service plan A is set at 5000 running hours.6.
Press the 'Modify' key. The key 'Limits' (F2) can be used to find the limitations for the parameter.Use the ↓ or ↑ arrow key to modify the interval.7. Instruction book3. Press the tabulator key (5), following screen appears:MondayTuesdayWednesdayBackF1→F2DeleteF3↓4. Use the ↓ or ↑ key until the day on which a command must be programmed is followed by a rightpointing arrow.
Press the tabulator key (5), following screen appears:-:-:-:-BackF1-ModifyF2┤DeleteF3↓5. Press the key 'Modify' (F2). Instruction book8.11.2 To activate/deactivate the timer1.
Starting from the Main screen (see section 8.1.2):- press the key 'Menu' (F1)- press the ↓ key until the option 'Modify parameters' is followed by a horizontal arrow- press the tabulator key (5) to activate the menu2. Use the ↓ key to scroll until the option 'Clock function' is followed by a horizontal arrow. Press thetabulator key (5), following screen appears:Clock FunctionNot activatedMenuF1ModifyF2→DeleteF33. Instruction book2. Use the ↓ key to scroll until the option 'Clock function' is followed by a horizontal arrow.
Press thetabulator key (5), following screen appears:Clock FunctionNot activatedMenuF1ModifyF2→DeleteF33. Press the tabulator key (5), following screen appears:MondayTuesdayWednesdayMenuF1→F2DeleteF3↓4. Scroll through the display until 'Saturday' is followed by a horizontal arrow. Press the tabulatorkey (5). Instruction bookSuppose the command to stop the compressor at 18:00 must be added to the list of Monday:- 06:15 start- 06:15 pressure band 13. Press the tabulator key (5), following screen appears:MondayTuesdayWednesdayMenuF1→F2DeleteF3↓4. Scroll through the display until 'Monday' is followed by a horizontal arrow.
Press the tabulator key(5). Scroll through the compressor start/stop/pressure band commands until the first emptycommand line is indicated by symbol ┤ on the screen.5. Instruction book2. Use the ↓ key to scroll until the option 'Clock function' is followed by a horizontal arrow. Press thetabulator key (5), following screen appears:Clock FunctionNot activatedMenuF1ModifyF2→DeleteF3Deleting all commandsPress the key 'Delete' (F3) in the screen above. A question to confirm the deleting operation willappear.Deleting all commands related to a specific dayScroll through the display until the desired day is followed by a horizontal arrow.
Instruction book5. If it is desired to modify the time, press the key 'Modify'. If not, press the key 'Menu' to return tothe submenu.6. After pressing the key 'Modify', the first field (14) will blink. Modify the hours using the ↓ or ↑keys. Then press the tabulator key (5) to go to the next field (i.e. The setting of this field cannow be modified with the ↓ or ↑ keys.7.
Instruction bookService plans-Contact your Atlas Copco customer centre for the service actions related to these plans.Consult section 8.10 if any modification to the intervals should be required.When the service plan interval is reached, a message will appear on the screen. See section 8.3. Instruction book3. Press the tabulator key (5):Next TimerLevelBackF1F2ABI10000 hrsResetF3↓Fig. 8.20 Service menu, typical exampleThe screen shows that the next service plans to be carried out are plans A, B and I and that theseplans are to be carried out each 10000 running hours.4. Press the ↓ key to find which service plans were carried out previously:Previous TimerLevelBackF1AI5008 hrsF2↑F3Fig.
Instruction book8.14 Saved data menuFunctionTo call up some compressor data saved by the regulator. These data are:- Last shut-down data- Last emergency stop dataProcedure1. Starting from the Main screen (see section 8.1.2):- press the key 'Menu' (F1)- press the ↓ key until the option 'Saved data' is followed by a horizontal arrow- press the tabulator key (5) to activate the menu2. The list of last shut-down cases is shown.3.
Scroll through the items to select the desired shut-down item.4. Instruction book8.15 Programmable settings8.15.1 Regulation settingsMinimumsettingNominalsettingMaximumsetting030sec225sec2210sec10103600sec001200Minimum pressure 2)8 bar Pack8 bar Full-Feature10 bar Pack10 bar Full-Feature100 psi Pack100 psi Full-Feature125 psi Pack125 psi Full-Feature145 psi Pack145 psi Full-Featurebar(e)bar(e)bar(e)bar(e)bar(e)bar(e)bar(e)bar(e)bar(e)bar(e)76.898.876.88.17. Instruction book8.15.2 Service settingsMinimumsettingService Plan IService Plan AService Plan BService Plan DMaximumsetting0016000hrhrhrhrNominalsetting020000Footnotes chapter 81) Once the compressor module is automatically stopped, it will remain stopped for the minimumstop time, whatever happens with the air net pressure.2) The regulator does not accept illogical settings, e.g. If the stopping pressure is programmed at 7.
Product:SF1-4 Skid and Tank-MountedSF6-8 TwinSF6-15 MultiInstructions for use of air receiver12345678This vessel can contain pressurized air; be ware of its potential danger in case of misuse.The vessel shall only be used to store compressed air and shall not be subject to rapid fluctuationof pressure.This vessel shall only be used within the pressure and temperature limits stated on the data plateand the testing report, which should be kept with care. Instruction bookNotes:2920 1521 0067. Instruction bookNotes:2920 1521 0068. O WNERSHIP DA TACompressor type.Unit serial No. Compressor.A r d y r t p.i re yeU i s r a N. D y r.nt eil o re:Motor type.Motor serial No.Delivery date.F r t s a t u d t.
SAFETY PRECA UTIONS1. I t e g o n i n t l v l o c n b s b e t t v r a l i c i a i n4 f h rud s o ee r a e ujc o aibe nlnto,c n u t Atlas Copco.osl1. T e e e t i a c n e t o s s a l c r e p n t t e l c l c d s The5 h lcrcl oncin hl orsod o h oa oe.uissalb gone adpoetdaantsotcrut b fssnt hl e rudd n rtce gis hr icis y ue.Operation1 A rh s ss a lb o c r e ts z a ds i a l f rt ew r i gp e s r.
I oe hl e f orc ie n utbe o h okn rsueNever use frayed, damaged or deteriorated hoses.