Padi Rescue Diver Manual Answers
Stress is defined as a physical or mental tension that results in physical, chemical and/or emotional (psychological) changes in the body. A degree of stress causes biological changes that temporarily make you stronger, think faster and more pain tolerant.
Extreme stress can cause you to fl ee when confronted by something frightening or overwhelm you emotionally so that you can not handle the situ- ation rationally. As stress increases, a diver may experience perceptual narrowing – a decrease in broad awareness. Perceptual narrowing may reduce the ability to look for the real problem or alternate solutions, or to perceive other problems arising.
Rescue Diver Knowledge Reviews These Knowledge Reviews are intended for use for courses taught at Puffin Dive Centre and after printing should be filled in and brought in for evaluation and if appropriate, correction. These knowledge reviews must be completed for certain courses and form a mandatory part of the course content and will be retained by Puffin Dive Centre as part of the corroboration of delivered course content. The answers required are available from and should be obtained from the PADI Rescue Diver Manual. Chapter 1 - Rescue Diver Knowledge Review 1. What is the most common cause of diver emergencies?
List the three things you should consider before attempting an in-water rescue. What is diver stress?
Padi Open Water Diver Pdf
Explain the effects stress can have on a diver and how perceptual narrowing is related to these effects. What are four advantages of a pocket mask? What are the two types of emergency oxygen systems recommended for use by divers? What are the differences between the two? What are the six basic steps for emergency management? What five skills will increase your self-rescue abilities?
What should you do when you encounter a problem while diving? What are the signs and behaviours that indicate a diver may have a problem at the surface? Compare and contrast the characteristics of tired divers versus panicked divers. Why does the rescuers safety take priority over the distressed diver's safety?
With that in mind, are the four types of rescues you should consider before attempting an in-water rescue? Describe the steps for in-water rescues of responsive divers at the surface. Explain how to safely make contact with a panicked diver at the surface.
Student Diver Statement: This knowledge review has been completed to the best of my ability. Any questions I answered incompletely or incorrectly have been explained and I understand what I missed. Name Date Chapter 2 - Rescue Diver Knowledge Review 1. Explain the two steps to apply to recognize stress in a diver, and what you should do when you recognize it. What three points does the dive community generally agree upon regarding alternate air sources?
What are the six general causes of equipment-related problems? What are the six types of release commonly found in scuba systems? What is at least one problem each may have? Release Problem 2.
Release Problem 3. Release Problem 4. Release Problem 5. Release Problem 6. Release Problem 5. What are the three forms of aquatic life injuries?
What is the common treatment for aquatic life injuries? What is the basic first aid for jellyfish stings? Describe the techniques and considerations for responding to a responsive diver at the surface from a distance, including the use of emergency flotation. What are the general criteria for tows used for transporting a distressed diver in the water?
What three concerns do you need to handle with a responsive diver once you get on the boat or shore? Student Diver Statement: This knowledge review has been completed to the best of my ability. Any questions I answered incompletely or incorrectly have been explained and I understand what I missed.
Name Date Chapter 3 - Rescue Diver Knowledge Review 1. What is an emergency action plan? What five areas of information should it include? What is meant by 'Basic Life Support'? What types of dive accidents require BLS? Explain how time affects BLS: 4. What are the steps, in order of priority, for conducting a primary assessment?
How can diving circumstances affect each step? What is the procedure for treating shock, and how may dive accident circumstances affect it? What are the differences between heat exhaustion and heat stroke, and how should you handle each?
What are the seven signs and symptoms of hypothermia? Explain what to do to help a diver with the following underwater problems: Overexertion Uncontrolled descent Excessive buoyancy Cramps Entanglement Entrapment Passive panic Active panic 9. List the steps you should take if you find there is a diver missing: 10.
What considerations should you take into account when implementing a search for a missing diver? Student Diver Statement: This knowledge review has been completed to the best of my ability. Any questions I answered incompletely or incorrectly have been explained and I understand what I missed. Name Date Chapter 4 - Rescue Diver Knowledge Review 1. Explain what critical incident stress is, its signs and symptoms, and what you should do to reduce it. Explain what decompression illness is: 3. What is the most common cause of lung over-expansion injuries?
How can you prevent it? Explain the differences between air embolism, pneumothorax, subcutaneous emphysema and mediastinal emphysema: 5. Describe the first aid steps to take for a diver with suspected decompression illness: 6. What is the primary first aid for a serious near drowning accident?
You are rescuing an unresponsive, non-breathing diver at at the surface. What would you do if you have an estimated swim of more than five minutes to safety? What would you do if you have an estimated swim of less than five minutes to safety? Why do you give rescue breaths to an unresponsive diver with no apparent heartbeat?
Describe how you would give rescue breaths using mouth-to-pocket mask. Describe what to do when surfacing an unresponsive diver. Explain the priority equipment removal takes in rescuing unresponsive divers at the surface.
What considerations will affect whether you remove gear, and what gear to remove and when? Student Diver Statement: This knowledge review has been completed to the best of my ability. Any questions I answered incompletely or incorrectly have been explained and I understand what I missed. Name Date Chapter 5 - Rescue Diver Knowledge Review 1. When should you attempt to write up a report after a dive accident?
What should you avoid doing on a report or when answering questions? Explain why administering oxygen to a diver suspected of decompression illness is crucial. List six procedures to follow when handling oxygen: 1. Describe the procedure for administering oxygen to a breathing diver. Describe the procedure for administering oxygen to a weakly breathing diver.
Describe the procedure for administering oxygen to a non-breathing diver. Describe what to do for a diver after beginning primary care, secondary care, oxygen and other first aid while waiting for emergency medical care to arrive. What information should you collect to send with the injured diver upon the arrival of emergency medical services? Describe how to perform the lifeguard exit. Explain how circumstances may affect exits with an unresponsive diver. Student Diver Statement: This knowledge review has been completed to the best of my ability.
Any questions I answered incompletely or incorrectly have been explained and I understand what I missed. Name Date Site and content © Puffin Dive Centre 2018.