2013 Vw Cc Owners Manual
My wife bought a 2013 CC with manual trans and twice since she has had it she pushed in the clutch and it stayed to the floor. It happened twice in the span of about a week and hasn't happened since.
The first time she said she just tapped on it and it came back up. The second time she used her foot and got underneath of it to pull it back up. Of course the dealer doesnt have a clue. Even going as far to say it is a wear part and if they pull the trans and dont find anything that we would have to pay for it.
Well, we know that isnt going to happen. The car was bought in May 2013 and has 4,000 miles on it. Next time, please have your wife record the incident with her phone/camera. But first, call VWOA and speak with a representative there and explain your situation. Sounds like the slave cylinder is flaking out on you. This seemingly can cause clutch failure if the pedal doesn't back up in time, or even worse accelerating into something stationary because there is no connect for controlling the clutch action on the transmission.
Usually if the slave goes, you can't shift out of gear or into gear. You're sort of stuck in whatever position you were last in. Ask her if the vehicle braking feels different at all.
Not sure if the cc has the slave cylinder tied into the brake system. Welcome to the VWOC and good luck. You are going to love this.contacted VWOA and they agreed to look into the matter. Well VWOA just called and left a message that they had an update and to call them or the dealer. I called VWOA back and was unable to get the person that had the update. So I called the dealer and the service guy says the clutch was burned out and needed replacement. He said he could smell it when it was brought in and there were hopspots on the flywheel.
To review, this car was purchased brand new in May 27, 2013 and currently has 4,600 miles on it. It is my wifes car and she has grown up with manual transmissions. As have I but I dont drive the car that much.
So the service guy says 'of the $2,300 it costs to repair they would only cover $1800 of it.' Leaving me with a $500 bill.
To him I said 'that aint gonna happen.' The story to be continued. To reiterate, hotspots are present on the flywheel from not being able to properly control the clutch. When the pedal stays on the floor board and your wife has to step on the brake to slow the vehicle down, the clutch will burn. If the clutch is damaged as a direct result of the failing slave cylinder you shouldn't have to pay for it. Call VWOA again (be respectful, they are you life line) and let them know what the dealership told you.
And let them know that you had previously brought the vehicle in specifically for this problem on (insert date here) because you and your wife know that if the clutch pedal was abnormally staying on the floor, the clutch would fail as a result. Relay to them that it was a BIG SAFETY concern at the time, however, the dealership said that the vehicle was ok and told her to continue driving it. Also, someone else can chime in here, but i don't believe the slave cylinder is considered a wear item. The pedal hitting the floor is a classic symptom that the slave cylinder has failed or is failing.
And everyone knows that when this happens, you stop driving the vehicle until the repairs are made. Sure, it could be other things, but, you'd probably have some brake related symptoms elsewhere to go along with it. Here is the latest.
I have had to hire an attorney. The technicians at Fitzgerald VW in Annapolis MD said that the clutch that wore out is a result of driver error so VWOA is going to 'show goodwill' and only charge me $500-700 to install a new one. This epiphinay that we wore out the clutch came from the dealer because 'they werent able to find any defects with the car.' The dealer claims to have checked everything from the clutch pedal to the flywheel. To reiterate this car is 3 months old and has 4,600 miles on it. We took it in because on 2 occasions the clutch pedal stayed to the floor.
My wife and I are 40-something professionals that grew up driving manual transmissions. It never hurts to go to a different dealership. A worn-out or damaged clutch will not exhibit the 'pedal to the floor' symptom. Worn or abused clutches will mainly begin to 'slip' when the vehicle is trying to move forward; for the most part, the pedal, linkages, slave cylinder, etc., will perform just like they are supposed to. It doesn't seem like the clutch is the problem, but as i've stated before, it could be the next thing to get trashed. Questions:.
after the clutch pedal came back up, was the vehicle having any problems quickly getting up to highway speeds at any time?. was there at any point in the acceleration/deceleration that the transmission gave off any harsh vibrations or noise? ^^ if not, your clutch is probably still fine. It may have had some a few months taken off its life, but it'll probably work just fine once the other problem is resolved. Plus, if your wife is not a racecar driver, it will probably last the lifetime of the vehicle even after being abused for those 'two' incidences that you've mentioned.
2014 Vw Cc Owners Manual Pdf
REGARDLESS, if it has received abuse because of a malfunctioning part that controls it, VW should cover the replacement. It won't hurt to call VWOA again and tell them that the clutch was not slipping at all after the pedal came back up. And that you were not getting any different noises or vibrations either after the pedal position was restored; so why are they wanting to replace the clutch? Reiterate that the transmission works just fine when the pedal doesn't act up, and that you were bringing it in as a cautionary measure to hopefully prevent either an automobile accident or catastrophic drive-train failure.
And that it's illogical to wait for an inevitable disaster to happen, but it seems that is what the dealership techs want to happen before they repair anything. Traveling at highway speeds with rev hang + no means to disengage the clutch = lawsuit parking lot speeds too, except there may be a pedestrian or two involved. Remind them that the main reason that you're concerned with their decision is that if they only replace the clutch, the root problem will not be fixed and that you will still have a potentially unsafe situation just waiting to happen. Fitzgerald VW in Annapolis already replaced the clutch.
They could not find ANYTHING else wrong with the car even though we took it in because the clutch pedal stayed on the floor twice. So, they blamed it on driver error. They seriously believe that me and my wife destroyed a clutch in 3 months/4,600 miles. After I told them I contacted an attorney they called back to say that I would not be charged at all to replace the clutch. Previously they told me they were going to do me a favor and only charge me $500-700 to replace the clutch.
Nice of them eh? I agree that a clutch wearing out and a clutch pedal staying to the floor dont really seem related. If it happens again I wont be taking it back to Fitzgerald VW in Annapolis. Everyone there believes the clutch wore out because of driver error and no one there can figure out the root cause. They have some tasty kool-aid down there because they can all look me straight in the face and tell me, me and my wife destroyed a clutch in 3 months/46oo miles.
So a worn out clutch disc and a pedal sticking to the floor and they CAN'T FIND ANYTHING WRONG. I told them over and over and over that there is something wrong with the car but they simply keep blaming me and my wife's driving abilities. Question.can I take it to an independent mechanic to do warranty work or is it back to the dealer? Can I take it to an independent mechanic to do warranty work or is it back to the dealer?find a euro shop in your area that specializes in vws, in particular, the later models too. With them (preferably one of their techs) about the symptoms you were having; see if they've seen/heard of anything similar with these newer vws. Ask them if they would have any concerns driving the vehicle, being that the dealership only replaced the clutch. And in their interest of you throwing business their way, get a quote on what it would cost to really inspect the brake hydraulic system and possibly replace the slave cylinder.
Stick with the dealership on the warranty work. Chances are, if you'll need anything else repaired, it will not be as vague as a problem, and it should be able to be taken care of properly.
Don't hold too much against them for not being able to find the problem; it sort of goes hand in hand with warranty work in general. They can't replace an item unless they get the 'ok' to, and there are strict guidelines that they have to follow.
2012 Vw Cc Owners Manual Pdf
For your sake, please have your wife record with video or photographs any other symptoms that may arise. This way you'll have something to show the techs.