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Komo Parameter Manual Pdf

Oats are a naturally soft grain and more of our customers roll oats than any other grain in their FlocMan—but many other grains including wheat, rye, barley and millet can be flaked too, with a little preparation. These grains are normally dry and hard.

To soften them, hold them under running water briefly in a strainer. Then spread the grains on a cloth or towel to let them dry over night or for at least 3-4 hours. Ccna exploration 4.0 instructor lab manual.


Komo Manual


This time will vary depending on the grain used, but a little experimentation will help optimize the process. The softened grain will flatten nicely into flakes, similar to commercially available rolled oats. At the same time this contact with water starts an enzymatic process which makes it easier for your metabolism to assimilate the minerals in the grain.