Inventory Student Guide
Getting Access to Student Success Technologies All student academic record information is protected. Thus, any individual needing access to this type of information must vetted and approved for access through the UMass Amherst official access request and training process prior to gaining access to academic record information. The access request form is reviewed by department heads and the Registrar’s Office. For access Spire (Advisor) and/or SSC Campus (Any Access), the following steps should be completed: Step 1: FERPA Certification – The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act is a federal law protecting the confidentiality of student records. Completion the online FERPA certification process is required. Go to: Review the information Click ‘FERPA Certification’ under Get FERPA Certified to complete the module and quiz Step 2: Apply for Access – Within Spire, you can apply for additional levels of access and access to SSC Campus. Log into SPIRE & Navigate to Main Menu My Spire Spire Access Request Complete the Requested Access Section of the form.
Compressor Service and Parts. Maximum availability of your equipment at minimum total operating cost, is the top priority for all of us. Performance verification from Compressed Air & Gas Institute. ATLAS COPCO - PORTABLE ENERGY DIVISION Printed matter N°. 2954 7540 00. Instruction Manual for Portable Compressors. Results 1 - 48 of 111 - OEM Atlas Copco QAS 30 JD AC Generator Instruction Manual. OEM Atlas Copco XAS 96 JD Utility Portable Air Compressor Instruction. Printed Matter Nos. Atlas Copco instruction book / rev: Atlas Copco logbook: Atlas Copco parts list / rev: Engine parts list: Local Atlas Copco Representative. Atlas copco xas96 operators manual.
Student Learning Interest Inventory
Student Inventory Survey
Select the appropriate boxes aligned with the access you are requesting. For SSC Campus Access: Select EAB Student Success Collaborative - For Advisor Access to Spire: Select Academic Records for Advisors Step 3: Participate in Training – After your request for access has been approved both by your department and the Registrar’s Office, Student Success is notified. At this time, individuals with approved access requests will be invited to attend a training session. After training is completed, access will be granted to the appropriate technologies within 24- 48 hours. Training cannot be attended until the access request has been approved. Access is not granted prior to participation in training Advising for Success – Advisor Manual for Advisors to Undergraduate Students Use the to review guides on u tilizing SSC Campus & Spire to support advising best practices.