Selenium Framework Implementation Guide Welcome To Rating: 5,7/10 9042 reviews
  1. Selenium Framework Implementation Guide Welcome To The Jungle
  2. Selenium Framework Java
  3. Selenium Framework Implementation Guide Welcome To Waverly Bravo

Cucumber Tutorial Welcome to this journey to learn Cucumber (Cucumber Tutorial). Cucumber is a buzz word these days. Every body is talking about how fun it is to use Cucumber. So lets understand more on Cucumber and Software development model it follows. Cucumber is a testing framework which supports Behavior Driven Development (BDD). It lets us define application behavior in plain meaningful English text using a simple grammar defined by a language called Gherkin. Cucumber itself is written in Ruby, but it can be used to “test” code written in Ruby or other languages including but not limited to Java, C# and Python.

In this series of tutorials we will be covering Cucumber Introduction. Set Up Cucumber with Selenium in Eclipse. Cucumber Basics.

Data Driven Testing. Cucumber Annotations. Cucumber Framework.

Chapter 1:. Chapter 2:. Chapter 3:. Chapter 4:. Chapter 5:. Chapter 6:.

Chapter 7:. Chapter 8:. Chapter 9:.

Chapter 10:. Chapter 11:.

Chapter 12:. Chapter 13:. Chapter 14:. Chapter 15. I’M LAKSHAY SHARMA AND I’M A TEST AUTOMATION ENGINEER. Have passed 11 years playing with automation in mammoth projects like O2 (UK), Sprint (US), TD Bank (CA), Canadian Tire (CA), NHS (UK) & ASOS(UK). Currently I am working with as SDET.


I am passionate about designing Automation Frameworks that are effective and easy to maintain. For automating websites my weapons are QTP and Selenium (Webdriver). I live in Amsterdam(NL), with my wife and a lovely daughter. Please connect with me at or follow me on.

1 Version 1.0 September 2009 DISCLAIMER Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted worldwide, without royalty, in any medium, provided this notice is preserved. 2 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENT FRAMEWORK IMPLEMENTATION IN SELENIUM Test Settings for Keyword-Driven Scripting SELENIUM RC SERVER UP MANAGING OBJECT REPOSITORY CALL TO FRAMEWORK USAGE OF KEYWORDS TEST RESULTS FOR A KEYWORD-DRIVEN SCRIPT RESOURCE FILES Page ii 3 1. Purpose of the Document This document provides an overview of the prerequisites and settings required to implement the keyword-driven framework in Selenium RC Page 3 4 2.

Framework Implementation in Selenium The keyword-driven framework is an application-independent framework that performs all possible actions and verifications on an object. Hence, the code for the same object can be used across different applications Test Settings for Keyword-Driven Scripting In the keyword-driven approach, the entire script is developed with keywords. The script is developed in a spreadsheet that is interpreted by the main driver script, which then uses the function library to execute the complete script. The test suite, test script, object repository and report folder location should be mentioned in SeleniumUtility excel. File Folder Name Test Suite Test Script Object Repository Summary Report Screen Shot Report Detailed Report Location C:/Innovez/SeleniumAutomation/TestSuite.xls C:/Innovez/SeleniumAutomation/TestScripts/ C:/Innovez/SeleniumAutomation/TestData/ObjectRepository.xls C:/Innovez/SeleniumAutomation/TestReports/ C:/Innovez/SeleniumAutomation/TestReports/ScreenShotRepor t/ C:/Innovez/SeleniumAutomation/TestReports/DetailedReport/ Note: The selenium utility excel file should be placed in C: Documents and Settings Mantis Demo-Selenium SeleniumUtility.xls b. Collect the properties of objects and define it in ObjectRepository.xls like below ObjectName ObjectIdentification ObjectType Username username TextBox Password password TextBox Login Button Manage link=manage link Manage Projects link=manage Projects link Page 4 5 c.

Define the test scripts in the test suite Excel like below Run r r r r r Test Driver MantisCreate Project MantisReport Issue MantisView Issue and Delete Project MantisFail Call Tariff Addition and Amendment d. Write the keywords for the test script like below Step Operation Object Action r callaction C: Documents and Settings Mantis Demo- Selenium Innovez SeleniumAutomation TestScripts Login Action.xls r perform link;manage Projects click r wait 3 r perform Button;Create New Project click r perform Textbox;Project Name set:selenium Page 5 6 3. Selenium RC Server up Starting the server: java -jar selenium-server.jar interactive Figure 1: Selenium RC server up and running Page 6 7 Figure 2: Selenium RC running Embedded Browser Page 7 8 4.


Managing Object Repository Selenium must learn the interface of an application to be able to work with it. It does this by learning the application's objects and their corresponding property values and storing these object descriptions in an object repository file. There are two types of object repositories: the shared object repository, and the per-action object repository. The same object repository file can be used for multiple tests if the tests include the same objects. Object information that applies to many tests is kept in one central location and the read-only copy of the repository is associated with the tests.

Here the object repository is maintained in the form of Excel sheets. XPath is also installed as a plug-in to Firefox.

Selenium Framework Implementation Guide Welcome To The Jungle

To identify the object properties, open Firefox browser, right click on the object and select Show in XPather. The XPather Browser window opens and XPath value is used as the object with logical names. For Internet Explorer, make use of its add-in Developer Too to get the unique id or text for the object. Page 8. 9 Figure 3: XPather Object Identification Page 9 10 5. Call to Framework The Main.rb should be opened in the SciTE. Press F5 and this will call the framework file associated with the test and perform the actions by interpreting the keywords specified in the data table.

Instead of pressing F5, we are able to run the main.rb by command ruby Figure 4: Call to Framework Page 10 11 6. Usage of Keywords The keywords should be entered in Sheet1 of Microsoft Excel placed in the Test Scripts folder.

The syntax for the keywords can be found in the Selenium Keyword Reference Dictionary Document. Below is an example of a simple keyword-driven scripting. Figure 5: Using the Keyword Page 11 12 7. Test Results for a Keyword-Driven Script Test execution results can be viewed and analyzed as soon as the run session ends. To access the test results, go to the TestReports folder customized using the Test automation framework.

Two folders will be available: one showing the summary report for Test suite execution, and another folder DetailedReport displaying the detailed step-wise test results for the each test script. A screenshot will be available for the failure scripts under ScreenShotReport. Figure 6: Test Results summary for a Test suite Page 12 13 Figure 7: Detailed Test Results for a Test script Page 13 14 8. Resource Files The resource files such as Framework Files, Shared Object Repositories, and Environment Variables that are associated with the test can be stored in the user s machine and can be obtained during test execution. Function libraries of the file type.rb, environment variables of file type.excel, and object repositories of file type.excel can be placed in the folder specified in the Utility Excel. File Folder Name Test Suite Test Script Object Repository Summary Report Screen Shot Report Detailed Report Location C:/Innovez/SeleniumAutomation/TestSuite.xls C:/Innovez/SeleniumAutomation/TestScripts/ C:/Innovez/SeleniumAutomation/TestData/ObjectRepository.xls C:/Innovez/SeleniumAutomation/TestReports/ C:/Innovez/SeleniumAutomation/TestReports/ScreenShotReport/ C:/Innovez/SeleniumAutomation/TestReports/DetailedReport/ Note: The selenium utility Excel file should be placed in C: Documents and Settings Mantis Demo-Selenium SeleniumUtility.xls Library files 1.

Selenium Framework Java

Functionlibrary.rb Page 14 15 Figure 8: Resource Files Page 15 16 C O P Y R I G H T This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, USA.

Selenium Framework Implementation Guide Welcome To Waverly Bravo Page 16.