Kaeser Ta 5 Dryer Manual
The Secotec TM cycling control provides maximum efficiency by operating the refrigerant compressor only when necessary. This is achieved by utilizing a thermal storage medium. The refrigerant system cools the medium to a certain temperature, cuts off and then stands by until the temperature rises to a predetermined level before switching on again. Therefore, the dryer is not wasting energy when the demand is low. New holland baler 275 owners manual. A non-cycling dryer continuous to operate even during low demand periods.
Standard Features. Powder coated removable side panels. Air-to-air heat exchanger (except TA 5). Condensate separator.
Kaeser Air Dryer Ta5 Manual
Electric demand drain (except TA 5). R134a refrigerant. Power cord with plug (TA 5 - TC 44) Control Panel. Dew point indicator.
Kaeser Air Dryer Troubleshooting
Kaeser Dryer Manuals
On/off switch. Power on LED light. Refrigerant compressor on LED light. Two dry contacts (on TC 31 and up) for:. Power on. High dew point temperature.