I voted TIA, but I don't think it is sufficent on its own. I used ASM+ADAPT my first try, and TIA+ADAPT my second try. Reading through ASM provided me with a good base knowledge, but I just didn't put in as much time as I should have. The second try when I did TIA James just does a wonderful job explaining the concepts in an easy to understand manner. He teaches you how to take a tricky problem and build the answer from first principles so that you don't have to have all these crazy formulas memorized.
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WORK is far advanced to establish the new National Standards Curriculum for the grades one to nine levels which is to come into operation for the beginning of the 2016/17 school year. The goal of the new curriculum is to improve the general academic performance, attitude and behaviour of students, which is expected to redound to the positive shaping of the national social and economic fabric. Under the new system, emphasis will be placed on project-based and problem-solving learning, with science, technology, engineering and mathematics/ science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEM/STEAM) integrated at all levels. The approaches will allow the learners to have hands-on experiences that are similar to real-world situations, making the learning experience less abstract and more concrete. Chief Education Officer Dr Grace McLean said a team from the ministry will soon be undertaking stakeholder consultations. 'The development of this curriculum started about three years ago and we have already engaged a number of our teachers.
The UDC 1000 and UDC 1500 Micro-Pro are compact 1/16' DIN and 1/8' DIN microprocessor-based controllers that provide Honeywell's high quality and performance at a low price. Their very small size makes them ideally suited for applications where panel space is at a premium, but where performance and versatility are also important considerations. Key features include dual display, NEMA 3/IP65 front-face protection, universal input and power supply, up to three output types (relay, SSR, linear), auto-manual mode, automatic tuning, and RS485 ASCII communication or Modbus communications. Two 4-digit displays and four tactile feedback keys enable you to configure the controller with minimum time and effort. State of the art manufacturing enables Micro-Pro controllers to conform to Honeywell's high quality standards.
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